Gambling Is Just Cruel

The Gambling Gods are here to rip your heart out today. It is only the 1 o’clock games and degenerates everywhere are yelling at their t.v.

I happened to be on the right side of things here but the Indianapolis Colt may have had the dumbest play of all time. It’s a close second behind that “trick play” with the punter.

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The Colts are +1 and have the ball on their own 45 with 27 seconds left. The ONLY play is to punt the ball away and take the tie because the Texans don’t have any timeouts left. Nopeeee this shmohawk decides to go for it, they obviously miss it and the Texans kick a field goal to win the game. If you are in the Colts front office and don’t fire this man immediately your franchise will be dog shit forever. Even if they completed this pass, it would have done absolutely nothing for them. Let me tell you though,  it felt really good to win this bet but I didn’t deserve it at all. If you lost this game, you start to question yourself like “Why the fuck do I do this to myself every week.” Then you proceed to bet even more.

Between the Cowboys not covering by a half a point and the Eagles having a complete meltdown, it has been a great day of football. We still have a long day of betting and you know if you lost on one of those heartbreakers you have to bet a shit ton more to win it all back on the rest of these games. Good Luck out there it is s a war zone.