New Acting Attorney General Played Football At Iowa And Wears Around A "Rose Bowl Participation Ring"

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With Jeff Sessions no longer the Attorney General of this fine country, Donald Trump has named Matthew Whitaker the new acting Attorney General:

Interesting fact: Whitaker played football for Iowa from 1989 to 1992:



The guy was a stud:


I don’t know much about Matt Whitaker. I don’t know his politics. He could be a good guy, he could be a bad guy. However, this fact about him does concern me:

Damn snowflake. If the highest ranking individuals of our country are wearing participation rings, what’s next? This is a slippery slope!

The participation ring comes from the 1991 Rose Bowl:

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Whitkaer caught one ball in that game.


Now his twitter header is a photo of him lifting some heavy ass iron:

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Best of luck to Matt. Not that this corn fed Attorney GEneral needs it.