The NCAA Is Furious That Cal Poly Gave Their Athletes An Extra $5 For Textbooks

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Hello, class. Today in Intro to National Communist Athletic Association, we will be learning about the dangers of giving your student-athletes money so they can pay for their overpriced textbooks.

Our case study is at Cal Poly, a very good academic school in California that doesn’t have an elite athletic program like, say, USC. Knowing this, it would be weird that the school would intentionally give their student-athletes more money than they deserve, right? That’s what the rational mind thinks, but as we learned during the first few weeks of class, those who run the NCAA aren’t rational.

SOURCE-The NCAA has placed Cal Poly on two years of probation and will force the school to vacate regular season and conference tournament records in “most of its sports programs” after an investigation concluded the school did not properly monitor its book scholarship program.

“Excess money for books” is the problem here. Very interesting. How much did they give their student-athletes? $5000? Wrong. $10000? Wrong.

SOURCE-The university provided 265 student-athletes in 18 sports an $800 stipend that was not equal to the actual cost of course-related books purchased, contrary to NCAA rules. The committee found that the stipend exceeded the actual cost of books for 72 student-athletes by a total of $16,180.

Let’s do a little math. 16180 (excess money)/72 (student-athletes) equals $224.72. So, on average, Cal Poly gave 72 student-athletes an average of $224 extra for their books. $224 buys you like 3/8th’s of a textbook.

In some instances, an athlete got an extra $5!

“On an individual basis, for those student-athletes who received cash that exceeded the cost of books and supplies, the value of the overages ranged from $5 to $734 and totaled $16,180.”


“Several student-athletes used the book stipend to pay for items that were not related to required books or supplies such as food, rent, utilities and car repairs,”

The absolute horror.

The NCAA continues to shock me on a daily basis. If they were truly devoted to upholding the integrity of “amateurism” why aren’t they looking into the curious case of every 4/5-star Alabama football player having a Dodge Charger? I guess that’s not on the top of their list, instead they are focused on accounting errors at random schools like Cal Poly that afforded students an extra $200 to buy textbooks.

Oh, and when we are on the topic of textbooks, that business is the biggest scam in the history of scams. You know how many textbooks I’ve bought in college that was written by the professor teaching the class? Why am I buying your textbook? Shouldn’t you be teaching me what’s in the textbook? I’m already paying for the class, why should I be paying extra for your textbook? Also, the value of a textbook after you buy it drops faster than driving a brand new car off a dealership lot. Oh, you bought this $375 textbook only to have your teacher not teach from it and it’s in pristine condition? We’ll buy it back from you for $29.23.

Anyways, it’s time to blow up the NCAA and start over again.